Menu, Tags

Thanksgiving Food Tag

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend and a fantastic Thanksgiving! In honor of this time of year, I have created a tag with thanksgiving foods and book questions. Let’s get started!

Turkey: The main/best book in a series

For this one, I had to go with The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan. It was full of action and all the strings were tied up into a nice little bow. Everything that needed to happen happened, and was a great book to end a series and start a spin-off.


Potatoes: A book or series you want more of even though you have read it many times

Obviously, I had to go with good ole Harry Potter. This series is perefect, why wouldn’t I want some more of it?


Cranberry Sauce: A book everyone loves that you never really got into

I’m going to have to go with two different answers here. The Maze Runner and Gone. THese were two series that ever really caught my eye, and I never really wanted to read it, but some people loce these books.


Gravy: A book that was drowned with drama

For this I’m going with the whole entire Twilight saga. The books were not the best, and there were many dramatic and overdramtatic moments.


Corn: The funniest or corniest book

As bad as it sounds, I have to go with books by John Green. Yes, while his books are super emotional and often very sad, they also provide some of the funniest scenes I have ever read in a book. He has a great way of offering comedic relief in some of the situations.


Green Beans: Something that just went down hill as you read it

The Beautiful Creatures series, because I actually thought the first book was ok. However, as I went on, the books just got worse.


Pumpkin Pie: A sweet book

This is hard because there are sooo many, but really anything by Rainbow Rowell or Stephanie Perkins, so books like Fangirl and Anna and the French Kiss.

This was super fun to do, and I will defintely be doing one for Christmas, if not sooner!

Features, Menu, Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Books on Winter TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. They create all kinds of super awesome list ideas that we all get to participate in. Check out their website:


Okay, so I’m going to divide this into winter-themed books and then just normal books I want to read during the winter season.

Winter-Themed Books

1. Let it Snow by John Green: This is a combination of short stories that I am really excited to read. Around the Christmas season, it is easy to read cute Christmas stories, so I am super excited to read this one!

2. My True Love Gave to Me by pretty much everyone: Alright so you may have seen me going on and on about this book a little book ago. Someone, I have been able to restrain myself from reading it, so now I can read it during December! I am beyond stoked fr this book, and there are so many amazing authors I can’t wait to read from.

3. Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan: I haven’t looked much into this book, but I bought it when it was on sale a while ago. Since then, I have heard great things about this Christmas-y read, and I am now really ready to start reading this one!

Normal Books

4. Throne of Glass: This is the next book I am reading!

5. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor: On my list of series I want to read!

6. Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin: Been waiting for last one to marathon series soon!


7. Angelfall by Susan Ee: Not sure what this series is about, but I want to find out.

8. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen: Picked this up the other day and loving it so far!

9. Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold: This was a gift given to me, and I have been waiting to read it some time.
That’s all I could think of right now! I’m sure more books will pop up later.

Features, Menu, The Sunday Post

Sunday Post: A Very Thankful Week!

The Sunday Post is a meme created by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It is a time to recap what you have posted, and give some insight to what is coming next. It’s a perfect time to share news. Check out her blog at!


Here are some of my recent posts:

Top Ten Sequels I Can’t Wait To Get:  In which I try and pick out some of my most anticipated books that are part of a series. A meme created by The Broke and the Bookish.

My Imediate Mockingjay Thought:  My overall thoughts of the movie right after seeing it. No spoilers at all.

Mockingjay Movie Review:  My complete review that is packed with spoilers. Includes my opinions, differences, my favorite scenes, and what I am looking forward to in the next movie!


As many of you know, it’s the week of Thanksgiving! This is normally a pretty busy time with the festivities and all, but and I will still try to post! Here are a few things I am working on…

– Top Ten Tuesday: This week’s topic is Top Ten Books on my Winter TBR: This one should be pretty easy because I have sooo many books that I want to read!

– Thankful for…: In honor of this holiday week, I will be doing some sort of thankfulness post. I’m not sure how I’ll do it or if I’ll do something like ‘Books I am thankful for” or “Authors I am thankful for”.  However, I will have some sort of post, so look out for that.

– Thanksgiving Meal Book Tag! I found a tag about thanksgiving food and books. A tag could not be more wonderful, and I am super excited to do it!


Those are some post that will definitely be up and here are some upcoming ideas that may or may not be out this week.

– Book to Movie Hierarchy: After seeing Mockingjay, I had this idea of ranking some of the book-to-movie adaptations I have seen.

– December Releases: I want to make another graphic like last time, and this time I’m going to try and make it bigger! If you have any books coming out in Decmeber you are really excited for, let me know and I will include them!


I can’t believe November is almost over! It has totally blown by, but I am super excited for the Christmas season!

Book Reviews, Menu

Mockingjay Movie Review (Spoilers)

Yesterday, I posted a quick though on the Mockingjay Part 1 movie. It was just my overall opinion, saying that I loved it. Now, I got to sit down and just write all my thoughts on the movie, and compare it to the book. THIS WILL BE PACKED WITH SPOILERS, SO DO NOT READ FURTHER IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE MOVIE YET! So, let’s get started….



First off, I just want to thank Francis Lawrence, for ruining my life with this movie. It was absolutely amazing. These last two movies have stepped it up a lot, and I can’t wait to see what is in store for us in part 2! I have seen many, many complaints about splitting the movie into two parts, and I don’t know why this is even an actual complaint. By splitting the movie, we get to see more of Katniss coping with everything that has happened. There was quite a bit of action in this movie, but can you imagine how much there will be in the next movie? It’ll be phenomenal.


Speaking of Katniss, that brings to the characters and actors in this movie. Jennifer Lawerence and Josh Hutcherson definitely showed their talent in this one. The scene where they filming the propo in district 8 and when she realized how Snow was using her during the Cat flashlight game, Jen was able to capture the emotion perfectly. Even though Peeta wasn’t in the movie that much, I think Josh really takes the award for one of the best actors in this movie. For the short amount of time we see him, we see him showing all the emotion and pain just through his facial features. There is a point where Peeta is seeing Katniss on the screen and with one face we see flashes of confusion, pain, love, everything all at once. Besides these two characters, I also loved President Coin, Finnick, and Boggs. Especially Boggs, I really loved Boggs!


One of the best things about Mockingjay for me, is how we get to really explore the setting more. We get to go into some new districts, and are overall setting is completely new to us. It’s very different than being in the arena for most the movie, and I loved how they represented each place differently. Also, the effects in this movie were just amazing. I can’t get over how cool District 13 looks.


The Hunger Games Trilogy, to me at least, is one of the best movie adaptions to hit the big screen. Some of the lines are word for word from the book (which I know cause I read the book again the day before seeing the movie.) I loved how some of the littlest things were incorporated into the movie. Here are some of the main differences that people are talking about, and here are my opinions on them.


  • Effie in District 13: I think we can all agree that this was a very smart move to make for this movie. Effie has been a fan favorite since the first movie came out, and it would make no sense to bring the prep team instead of Effie. She brought some comic relief, and she filled the prep teams roll, so I think this change was the best move.


  • Showing Peeta’s capture: This scene was actually one of my favorites. I loved how it flipped back and forth from Finnick to the capture. I’m glad Katniss was there watching it all instead of talking in the propo (because even in the book it said that Katniss’ spill wasn’t as impacting as Finnick’s) Also, we got to see Snow taunting Katniss, and while this wasn’t in the book, I thought it really brought out Katniss’ emotions for both her two boys possibly dying.


  • I KILL SNOW: This is the one thing that I thought could possibly lead to some problems. While listing her conditions , she doesn’t say that she gets to kill Snow which SPOILER: becomes pretty important at the end when she decides to kill Coin SPOILER OVER. However, I think, that this will be resolved later and may even have more of an impact.


  • Peeta Warning District 13: At this scene, the capitol is showing Peeta when he warns the district saying that there is an attack. In the book, while it was flashing from Katniss to Peeta, you hear screams and blood splatters on the screen. Intially,  I thought this could be a possible ending depending on how much they stretched it out. However, it didn’t take away much so I thought it was fine.


With that being said, my main prediction for this movie was it ending right at the choking scene. I was so close! There was that black screen for a second and I thought I was right, but thankfully the movie came back on. And let me just say, that scene was intense. Peeta looks absolutely terrifying his makeup was done amazingly. However, I don’t think it was as intense as the ending scene where we see him absolutely going crazy and writhing in a bed he is chained to.


Overall I absolutely loved this movie. Some of my favorite parts where..


  • The Hanging Tree whole montage (brilliant, the song is still stuck in my head)
  • Sober Haymitch being awesome
  • Katniss not being able to act in the first propo
  • The District 8 hospital buring scene (gave me goosebumps)
  • Effie complaining about jumpsuits
  • Seeing other districts rebel (aka the scary fast tree climbers of district 7)


Oh, I just can’t wait to see this next movie! I’m looking forward to more crazy Peeta, Johanna, and just total epicness. So what were your favorite parts? Are you happy with the split movie? Tell me!







Mockingjay Quick Thoughts!

Alright, I haven’t been on lately because I didn’t want to see anything on about where Mockingjay Part 1 ended. I I didn’t want to hear any of the details, so I avoided the internet for a day or two. I just saw it, and overall I thought it was amazing. This trilogy has been my favorite to ever be translated on the screen. I’m gettign a whole review together that should be up tomorrow, and there will be tons of spoilers, so don’t read it if you haven’t seen it!

Features, Menu, Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Sequels I Can’t Wait to Get

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. They create all kinds of super awesome list ideas that we all get to participate in. Check out their website:




I have actually finished up a lot of my favorite series in the past year. Divergent ended last year, Anna and the French Kiss, and Heroes of Olympus. This took some more thinking, but there are definitely some books that I can’t wait for!




1. Winter by Marissa Meyer

Right now we don’t know much about this book except that they are on the moon, and we have a new main character named Winter and she is supposed to show the Snow White fairy tale. Now if you haven’t noticed, I love the Lunar Chronicles, and I can not wait to read this book! If you haven’t read the first 3 yet, don’t worry, we still have a year of waiting. 😥


2. The Heir by Kiera Cass

Awhile ago, Kiera announced that she wasn’t quite done with Maxon and American just yet. This story follows their twins and the new selection. (Also the cover of this book is my favorite of the whole series!)


3. P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before) by Jenny Han

I read the first book last month, and thought it was super adorable. I thought it had just ended the way it did, but then I found out there was a sequel coming!



4. The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick

This is the second book of My Life Next Door. I know this is story follows TIm more, and I am excited to see where it goes!


5. Fairest by Marissa Meyer

Yep, I managed to put the Lunar Chronicles on here twice! I really am excited for this short story, and it tells more about Levana! It comes out in 2-3 months and I can’t wait for more Marissa Meyer writing!


That’s all I could really think of right now. Now that I’m starting into more fantasy series, I’ll probably find more books I am excited for. I know already that the 4th Throne of Glass books is coming out next year and I’ve seen some stuff on a 3rd Fifth Wave book. So, what are you looking forward to in the book world?

Book Discussions, Menu

Books I would like to read soon

I have quite a few books that I want to get around to reading soon. Some of these have been on my shelf for what seems like forever, but I will read them. Here are a few of the ones I own and want to start reading soon.

  1. Throne of Glass: I bought this and I know it is amazing, but every time I want to sit down and read it, something comes up. This will be my next book, I don’t care what happens.


  1. Daughter of Smoke and Bone: This is another series I have been dying to read, and I finally got my hands on the first book. I have heard great things about this trilogy, and I am super excited to get into it.


  1. Darkest Minds: I’m am ashamed to say that I have had this for quite some time. I actually started it and really liked it, but then like two or three books I had been waiting on forever came out, and I just forgot to continue reading this book.


  1. Reboot: I picked this up some time ago, not knowing much about it, but I was very intrigued with the story concept.


  1. The Evolution of Mara Dyer: This has been a book I postponed on purpose. I didn’t want to start the book and have to wait for the last one. Now I’m just waiting for a time to marathon it.


  1. Shadow and Bone: This was on sale on my kindle once, and it looked really good. Since then I have heard great things, so this is definitely a series to start soon.


  1. Panic: I haven’t read any of Lauren Oliver’s other books, but I picked up Panic because I really like the idea of the book.


I am sorry for the lack of posting this week, but I do have posts coming up to make up for it!

Features, Menu, Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Characters You Wish Would Get Their OWN Book

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. They create all kinds of super awesome list ideas that we all get to participate in. Check out their website:


This honestly was a very hard one for me. I sat and tried to think of characters, but I just couldn’t come up with many. Here are some of the ones I did come up with, in no particular order.

1. Reagan from Fangirl: This was the first one that popped in my head, because I can’t explain how much I loved Reagan’s character in this book. I could read from her point of view whenever.

2. Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter: Honestly though, who wouldn’t want to read this? I think Neville would just be a very entertaining main character, and he would be hilarious.

3. Issac from The Fault in our Stars: Issac is one of my favorite parts of this whole book. His jokes are hilarious, and I love the way we see him react to things. I think it would cool to get in his mind, and see some of his thoughts, because his life isn’t the great. I mean, his girlfriend dumped him, he’s blind, and his best friend just died.

4. Margo from Paper Towns: You never really get to connect or relate to Margo in Paper Towns, and while I think that is the point of her character, I would like to see her take on things.

5. Clarisse from Percy Jackson: If I had to pick one minor character to know more about in the Percy Jackson series, I would definitely pick Clarisse. I love how protective she over certain people, and she is a unique character.

Well, I got to the half-way mark! This really is a tough one, but I’m sure I’ll think of some later! So, who do you want to have their own book or short story?

Features, Menu, Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I would like to Reread

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. They create all kinds of super awesome list ideas that we all get to participate in. Check out their website:

November 4: Top Ten Books I want to Reread (or would like to)

  1. The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling: I have not actually went through and reread all of the books of the Harry Potter series. This is not acceptable. My goal is to dedicate a time to do this, but there are so many other books I want to read too!


  1. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson: I read this books a few months ago and it probably made it into my top 10 favorite books ever. It is such a powerful and dark book and I would love to go back and reread it again.


  1. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer: I really want to reread this and I definitely will before the next book comes out, which I am so excited for. I never would have thought I would have loved a sci-fi fairy tale remake, but it is seriously one of the greatest things ever, and I have to re-experience it.


  1. The Giver by Lois Lowry: It’s been awhile since I read this for the first time, and I still haven’t seen the movie. Before I see it though, I would love to reread it so I can do a movie adaptation comparison to the book.


  1. The One by Kiera Cass: I read this in May thinking that it was the last book, but suddenly Kiera is adding on some more!


  1. The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan: This is my absolute favorite book in the Percy Jackson series and I would love to read the perfect example of how to tie things up at the end of a series.


  1. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald: This is an amazing book that is very short, and I would love to go back and reread it.


That’s really all I could think of. I didn’t add books like Divergent or Hunger Games because I actually have reread those, and I don’t see myself doing that anytime soon. I normally don’t reread books a lot unless they were just super good or the next book/movie was coming out.

Release Dates

November Releases!

I can’t believe it is already November! 2014 is almost over, and it’s almost Christmas time! But with the new month, comes a whole slew of book releases. Here are a few I think you should check out.


November 2014

Series Starters:

1. The Book of Ivy by Amy Engel (Nov. 4th): This story takes places after a nuclear war that destroyed the United States. The remaining surviors formed their own nation, but one problem was whose family would be in power. When the Westfall family loses, the only way power is retained is when a daughter marries the president’s son. However, Ivy has some other plans in her mind. She has to kill him.
2. A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray (Nov. 4th): Marguerite’s parents were the ones who created the Firebird, their greatest piece of work, which allows people to jump through different dimensions. However, when her father is murdered, Marguerite has to go through the dimensions ins search for her father’s killer.
3. The Name of the Blade by Zoë Marriott (Nov. 11th): Mio never thought that sneaking the sword out of the attack would be a big deal. However, when the power inside the sword awakens, gods and monsters from ancient Japanese myths come to life in present-time London.

Stand Alone:

1. The Silence of Six by E.C. Myers (Nov. 5th): Max’s whole world is turned around when his best friend is on the screen of their high school Presidential debate, moments before he kills himself. Max must use his own hacking skills to save himself for the government witch-hunt that he is a target of. All of this while trying to find out the real truth behind the “Silence of the Six.”
2. The Walled City by Ryan Graudin (Nov. 4th): Dai, Jin, Mei Yee- all of them are escaping, hiding, or trapped in their own ways. When these three come together, they must find a way to escape the labyrinth before their clock runs out.
3. Girl Online by Zoe Sugg (Nov. 25th): A new romance novel by Youtuber Zoe Sugg, better known as Zoella. It is about Penny and her blog Girl Online, where she tells about everything in her life. But when she is moved to New York, she meets the beautiful Noah, and falls in love. However, Noah has a secret that could blow Penny’s cover and friendship up completely.

Part of a Series:

1. Waistcoats & Weaponry by Gail Carriger (Nov. 4th): The third installment of the Finishing School, where Sophronia is in her 2nd year. What happens when they find something very surprising on their train? Sophroina unravels a plot that throws all of London into chaos, and she must pick her loyalties.
2. Mortal Heart by Robin LaFevers (Nov. 4th): The third book in the His Fair Assassin series. Annith has been waiting for her turn to serve Death just like all of her sisters. But when she learns that she is supposed to remain in the convent, she takes matters in her own hands. She has been training to be an Assassin, and it was time she actually was one.
3. The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin (Nov. 4th): In this shocking finale to the Mara Dyer’s story, many loyalties are betrayed, and Mara Dyer learns more about the lies she has been told. The Retribution has arrived.
4. Killer Instinct by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (Nov. 4th): In this sequel to The Naturals, Cassie and the Naturals are pulled into a brutal murder case that hits almost too close to home. Will the Naturals be able to out-trick and outsmart this murder’s twisted mind games, before he sucks them all in for good?


1. The Bane Chronicles by Cassandra Clare (Nov. 11th) : A combination of 10 short stories revolving around The Mortal Instruments Fan’s favorite character: Magnus Bane.
2. The Witch Must Burn by Danielle Paige (Nov. 11th): The Second book in the prequel to Dorothy Must Die.


Well that is all for this month-watch for my November TBR post. I’m really sorry for the bad quality of the photo above, it was fine until I posted it. Hopefully I can figure out how to fix it before next month!